Monday, October 25, 2010

"Prevention First"

"Prevention First" is an agenda supported by NAF to help educate and support family planning. They want to give everyone the knowledge that there are many preventative measures you can take in order to reduce unwanted pregnancies and STDs. I think this is a great agenda, and one that can be supported by both pro-choice and pro-life people. It is one thing that can help our entire world, and it would be great if this came into full action. Check out the article for more info!


1 comment:

  1. I think you're right! Prevention is a great agenda--eliminating many of the situations that create the need for abortion is so very important. I get really distressed when I hear of pro-life people who also oppose contraceptives and birth control pills, because it feels like not only do they want to control abortion, but everyone's sex lives, too.

    This is such an interesting thing to think about!

