Friday, October 22, 2010

House Bill 252

John Adams, an Ohio representative, introduced a bill that would require the father's written consent in order for a woman to be able to obtain an abortion. If the woman gets an abortion without consenting the father, she would face criminal penalties; as much as 6 months jail time.

How do you feel about this? And if a woman were raped, should she still have to be bound by law and have that man's consent if she were to get pregnant?

I think this is outright ridiculous, and if this passes I feel we will only be taking steps backward in this fight for equality.


1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree with you: this is ridiculous. It gives rights to the fathers that overpower those of the mothers. Many of these fathers probably will not be taking care of the baby, if we consider situations like high school pregnancy or lower class pregnancies that happen out of wedlock. So it shoulders a burden on the woman that she may not even want. I also believe it takes away her rights to her own body. Another person should not be allowed to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. The fetus is still inside her--it is still her body that goes through the changes of pregnancy, the pain of labor, and the changes of breast feeding. I'm appalled that some consider it a good idea to give the choices to someone else.

