Sunday, October 31, 2010

Abortion Myths Part 2: Care Myths

Myth: If you go to Planned Parenthood, they will force you to get an abortion.
Fact: Planned Parenthood is simply a place to go if you need to consider your options about an unwanted pregnancy. Rather than being a place to go if you need an abortion (though they do offer those services) Planned Parenthood actually focuses mostly on contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. In their own words:
"These health centers provide a wide range of safe, reliable health care — and more than 90 percent is preventive, primary care, which helps prevent unintended pregnancies through contraception, reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections through testing and treatment, and screen for cervical and other cancers. Caring physicians, nurse practitioners, and other staff take time to talk with clients, encouraging them to ask questions in an environment that millions have grown to trust."

Myth: Doctors who perform abortions are only in it for the money.
Fact: Doctors and centers that offer abortions are often the victims of violence and hate crimes. Being a doctor who offers abortion as an option is a dangerous profession, and abortion isn't as costly as many other medical procedures, and hasn't gone up in price very much compared with other medical care.

Myth: Abortions are really easy to get. Thanks to Roe v. Wade, a woman can easily find a place to get an abortion, since they're so widely available.
There is a lot of restrictive legislation in place that forces women to wait or get consent to have an abortion. Many ob-gyn programs don't offer the training needed to give an abortion, which means that there aren't many abortion providers around. There is both federal and state law restricting using government funds for abortions, which means that even though the fee isn't very high, many women who are in need of abortions can't pay it. There are a lot of restrictions and difficulties that come with wanting to get an abortion. So they are not nearly as accessible as one might think. (Source: NAF)


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